Sabbatical 1
I am on a two month Sabbatical. I decided to spend one month of it doing the things I like and visiting friends and family and the other month in silence at Buddhist meditation center. The trip up north itself was an amazing experience as the last time I did this trip by myself was in 1976.
So the journey was a journey of gratitude. In 1976 my life was a mess. I was sick in body, mind and soul. I was depressed, suffering from a nervous breakdown, addiction that was not being treated and I had many physical challenges as well. I made the trip in 1976 against the advice of my psychiatrist because I really believe that getting away was the answer to all my problems.
Of course today I understand that wherever we go there we are. This time the trip was not to escape the wonderful life I have but to enhance it. This time I had the companionship of my dog, Willow. In 1976 I could not take care of anyone or anything, myself included.
Life has a way of changing in ways we cannot imagine. If someone had told me then what my life would be like, I would have thought they were insane. But that is how life works. Things change, and that is the only thing we can depend on in this life.
The important thing is to always keep in mind that life is a journey. In any journey there are turns, bumps, smooth roads, and unexpected events which we cannot avoid or plan on. It is not just a joinery but often a journey without a road map, especially if we are not connected to a Power Greater than Ourselves.
The important thing is to keep taking the next step forward. Trying to live in the past or keep things as they are does not work. I know I have tried both in the past and they got me nowhere. Here’s to your journey, wherever it leads you