Midweek Message – May 29, 2013
Did you know that your soul is on a journey…that it has a purpose?
Our souls are our consciousness, comprised of our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and ideas. Our soul comes into this world in our body to learn certain lessons and to grow and evolve.
When we work in the interest of our soul, God will always be working on our behalf. We do that by loving, forgiving, giving, being in the moment and not judging. We do that by living from within rather than from without.
All of us are souls in evolution. When we listen to our soul we can learn much. When the same thing keeps coming up in our lives, it means it is a lesson our soul needs to learn. The more we deny what it is we need to look at, the more it keeps coming up in the form of relationships in which the person may be different but the situation is the same, or jobs where no matter where we work, we are faced with the same stuff.
One of my favorite expressions is, “Wherever we go there we (our soul) are.” Today spend sometime being aware of the lessons your soul is trying to teach you.
Quote of the Week
“For what shall it profit a man, if shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
Matt 16:25