MIDWEEK MESSAGE – July 11, 2018


It’s a time for many to take off on vacation and journey to some exotic and not so exotic places. In summer, it seems everyone is going somewhere.

In Truth, we are all going somewhere even if we never leave our home. The journey we are all on is called Life. This journey is one filled with rocky roads, mountains to climb, valleys to pull ourselves out of, and rivers to cross. It is, also, filled with smooth easy roads, beautiful meadows alive with with many colors, and the grandeur and peace of the ocean.

So how do we traverse the roads that are not always the kind we would chose for ourselves? Well, we do not lose faith by trusting that things will be better, and we keep on trudging.

When we decide to live the life full of adventure, we do not avoid paths that may seem rough and challenging. We make the decision to keep moving forward. Once we do that, we can truly discover all the gifts this Life has to offer us.

Quote of the Week

“A ship is safe in harbor but that’s not what ships are for.”
John A Shedd

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