MIDWEEK MESSAGE – February 21, 2024

C.S. Lewis wrote, “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” I love that quote. Unfortunately, we live in a culture where youth are idolized, and those in the final season of their life are often ignored or discounted.

This is not so in other cultures where the elderly are looked to for their wisdom and experiences.  On more than one occasion, store clerks have been amazed when I pull out my phone to pay with it instead of a card.  It is not difficult to do, but  I guess in some young minds, after a certain age, people are beyond the capability to learn new things.

But the world has been, and always is, filled with people in their last quarter of life who are functioning and doing amazing things, learning new skills, starting new careers, and living with a zest for life. My father was one such person.

He always said that our minds determine our experiences as we age.  Unity believes the same thing – the thoughts we hold in our minds create our lives.  Does that mean that we won’t get sick? Does it mean that things won’t change as we age?  No, it means that we don’t let our circumstances (including our age) define who we are.

Gertrude Stein said, “We are always the same age inside.” I believe that God is ageless and timeless, and since God is within us all, so are we.  Whatever physical condition we find ourselves in, we can look for ways to be filled with joy, enthusiasm, and gratitude for what we have and can do – whatever age we are.  Helen Keller was a perfect example of that.

So was my mother. When my oldest son was very young, my mother was sick and could not walk without the aid of a walker or wheelchair.  She also could not lift her grandchild, but she would have him sit next to her, play games, play with his alphabet blocks teaching him the letters, and spend precious time with him.  He never realized she could not do things other grandmothers did, and he loved the times they set together.

Life happens, and many things are out of our control, but how we respond to life’s challenges is always up to us.  So whatever season of life you are in,  appreciate life and choose to live it well. Remember, the Creator created you, and It is within you and as you, and that does not change because of a number.

Quote of the Week

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.”
George Eliot

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