March 7, 2014 MIAMI

Miami at last! As soon as I crossed the Thomas Manual bridge which goes over the Intercoastal Waterway, I could feel my heart soar! We were in South Florida!

There is a difference in the air in South Florida from any place I have ever been. I think it is the tropical breezes blowing through the palm trees, or the smell of the ocean air, or maybe it is the different cultures that all seem to mix in an atmosphere of a tropical island. Whatever it is, I do love it. I especially enjoy the evenings when the air is so balmy it transports you to another world.

It is also our first experience staying at a “RV Resort”. Although I love the state parks, it is nice having some conveniences we have not had for a while. There was even a ping pong table so Christopher and I could partake in one of our favorite pastimes.

The park is located in the Redland area of Miami which is an area in the southwest part of Miami that is filled with farms, u pick’em fields, coral rock homes as well as clapboard homes of early settlers and miles of landscape nurseries that provide the tropical plants we so often see in the stores all over the country.

It is filled with birds, including peacocks and such tropical fruits as mango, guava, passion fruit, and lychee as well as fresh tomatoes (which here grow in the winter).

Years ago, I lived in this area for a short time and it is really a unique area in such a metropolitan city as Miami.

I think the reason I love Miami is that it was here that many important things in my life took place. It was here I went from a fast food junkie and couch potato to an exercise junkie and vegetarian. It was here I stopped smoking and drinking. It was here I found Unity and here that I met Christopher.

No matter where I may travel, it will always hold a special place in my heart.


  1. Lourdes Alfonso says:

    Hello Rev. Arlene:

    I really enjoyed your message @ Unity Center. I would like to give a One on One Session to a friend while you are in Miami. Can you pls. contact me @ 305-283-9165

    Thank you and have a wonderful adventure!


  2. Cari Perry says:

    What a way to wake up with smile at 3am! First, trip over the puppy who has dragged the afghan off my bed to the middle of my bedroom floor. Then make the mad dash to the potty before the sound of the morning rain triggers my bladder into a deluge. BAM, bathroom door closed…drip drip dance ! Whew, that was close. Gotta make to the freezer for my early hot flash cool-down. Another great moment in the history of the magical MAKE yourself laugh show. Ok, now to find “the email machine” to fulfill a promise.

    RebAr, like your love of Miami, this mini moment holds a place in my heart, especially since you made mine sing today. Blessings to you & Christopher always

  3. Cari Perry says:

    RebAr…thanks zillions…I’M WRITING !!!!!

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