MIDWEEK MESSAGE – October 30, 2019

Tomorrow is Halloween – a time when people put on costumes and masks to become someone different, even if it is only for one day. I love dressing up in costume because it allows me to be whoever and whatever I want to be for that day.

The truth, however, is that with or without a mask, we always have that choice. We are not bound by what our parents, teachers and other adults may have told us. As children of God we can become whatever we believe is possible.

It is easy to be discouraged by people around us that are filled with fear and to allow that fear to become contagious. Instead, let us know that we live and breathe and have our being in an Infinite Universe that is always providing for us when we are open to see the possibilities around us.

We do not need a mask to be brave to claim the good that God has in store for us. We just need faith and trust that we are never alone and, therefore, have nothing to fear.

Happy Halloween!

Quote of the Week

“If you want people to love you for who you are, take the mask off.”

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