Prayer and meditation are powerful tools to help you to, not just get through tough times, but also, to bring more joy, peace, comfort, love, wisdom, and understanding into your life.

There are many ways to pray and meditate and there is no right or wrong way – just whatever works best for you. However, an effective prayer method is affirmative prayer.

When we use affirmative prayer, we do not beg, plead, cajole, or bargain because we understand that since God is everywhere present, including within us, we do not have to approach prayer as some low life needing a favor from a dualistic Being who may or may not want what is best for us.

I believe that God is Love and Love cannot do anything but love. Through affirmative prayer, we use our thoughts and words in a positive way that affirms what we know – that we are loved beyond measure by Love Itself.

Quote of the Week

“Prayer is not a means of arousing God to action, but the process of waking up from our drowsiness so we can see ourselves, not in a mirror darkly but face to face.”
Eric Butterworth

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