MIDWEEK MESSAGE – May 17, 2023
Making the cross-country trip was fun, but I would not be completely honest if I didn’t admit there were times I thought – “What am I doing?” Usually, those were the times I was tired and hungry, and there would be some glitch, and I would doubt the entire adventure.
However, that was usually followed by a little nudge from my HP that I was not traveling alone. I realized I erred in how long I drove each day, but I reasoned that I had to be at certain places due to commitments I had made, which put me on a tighter schedule than I would have preferred.
So I have decided that for the remainder of my travels, I am going with “easy does it.” Instead of trying to please everyone by being where and when they wanted me, I would travel at my own pace and get there when I got there.
The message for me so far is this – it is the journey, not the destination, that is important. So I will enjoy the journey because, in the end, it is my (and HP)’s journey, and we need time to chill and connect more.
Quote of the Week
“It is better to travel well than to arrive.”
Arthur C. Custance