MIDWEEK MESSAGE – January 9, 2019

What do you believe about God?

Is your Higher Power big enough that you can find the calm in the midst of a storm, strength at a time when we feel weak, comfort when you are grieving, loved when you feel unloved, and and wisdom that gives you a knowing that cannot come from any outer source?

A long time ago, I was asked to make a list of the characteristics of my Higher Power. Here is my list: God is is Presence, Power, Wisdom, Love, and Good.

This understanding has helped me in times that I felt powerless, unloved, filled with fear, and sadness. For me knowing God is good, means that in all things, there is some good that can come from it – even if it takes years to see it.

If God is Love than it lets me know that I am Loved unconditionally which brings me great comfort in times of need. If God is Power then when I feel weak or powerless, I can tap into that Power which is greater than me and can do all that is needed to do at any time. If God is Presence, it means that there is no where that I can be that God is not.

if you do not have a Higher Power that can be relied on, it may be time to look at what it is that you believe. For me, God never fails me, it is only my unbelief that keeps me from the Good that is God.

Quote of the Week

“Call this creative principle by any of its wonderful names: God, Life, Love, Mind, Spirit. It is ever present, all powerful, all wise, eternal.”
From the book: How to Let God Help You by Myrtle Fillmore

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