MIDWEEK MESSAGE – January 8, 2025

One of my favorite New Thought authors is Emmet Fox. One of his lesser-known books is The Seven Main Aspects of God. It reminds me of Henry Drummond’s book, The Greatest Thing because both men sought to explain God in a way that allows us to develop a closer connection. 

In his book, Fox describes God through seven aspects: Life, Truth, Love, Intelligence, Soul, Spirit, and Principle. He asserts that when we focus on these aspects, we help cultivate them more fully within ourselves. As a result, when we reflect on those qualities in another person, we nurture those same qualities in them.                  

When we meditate on embodying those qualities, they develop more fully. To cultivate love in this world, we must view it as something we possess within ourselves rather than as something we receive from others. If we find ourselves feeling angry, judgmental, or critical towards someone, we can meditate on that person possessing those qualities within them. 

Practicing this will improve our self-esteem and may lead us to judge others less harshly. The outcomes could surprise us!

Quote of the Week

“When you choose to see the good in others, you end up finding the good in yourself.”

John Spence

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