Tomorrow I fly to Paris for 10 days. I return on September 30th and will not write a message next week on September 25th. I love Paris and have wanted to go back for some time. There are some old familiar places I want to visit and some new ones I previously did not get to.
But my favorite thing to do in Paris is what the French call, “Flaneur” which means wandering aimlessly through the beautiful city. I want to enjoy Paris leisurely so that I can take in all the beauty, the food, and the sights at a stress-free pace. So look for some pix on my FB page or Instagram, but I tend to get into the experience and forget stuff like that – so I am making no promises!
I also realized that last week when I announced the Zoom discussion group on the Greatest Thing on October 10th I forgot to include the Zoom link so here it is. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/2268205423?pwd=cFRRcnRiQzNuVnFKQzFreXhYTnFyUT09&omn=86240258554.
Remember it is October 10th from 6-8 pm ET. It is not required to read the book but it is a quick read and worth it.
So until my next Midweek Message on October 3rd, “au revoir”!
Bénédictions, Arlene