There is a phrase in the book Alcoholics Anonymous that talks about “spiritual progress, not perfection.” Years ago, my therapist taught me this as well.   When we judge where we are in our spiritual journey based on whether or not we are perfect, we usually fall short and feel like failures.

But if we look for progress in our lives, then we can see how far we have come in our journey. She said to become aware of my progress; I should ask myself three questions: Am I participating in old thinking or being as often? Is it as intense? Does it last as long as previously? 

When I do that, I can see how far I have come, and no matter how far I still have to travel, I know I am heading in the right direction. Still, our spiritual journey is challenging; it is our personal hero’s journey. 

Sometimes, we want to stay where we are because it is familiar. However, staying in our old ways can never lead us to where we want to be. We were created to be the best version of ourselves, but that means stepping out into the unknown like a butterfly steps out from its cocoon.

Quote of the Week

“Progress always involves risk. You can’t steal second base with your foot on first.”


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