Welcome to 2025! A new year, a new beginning, a time when people make resolutions, goals, dreams, and hope for the new year.
I don’t make resolutions because when I did, by mid-January, they were broken, and I would feel like a loser. Instead, I began setting intentions for the year, but 2024 was a year of learning that even setting intentions did not materialize as I envisioned.
This year, I’ve chosen not to set any resolutions or intentions. Each morning, I want my prayer to focus on aligning with God’s will for me. I’m dedicated to letting go each day, embracing one day at a time, and placing my trust in my Higher Power. While I may not always receive what I desire, I trust I will get what I truly need.
I am grateful for that and whatever 2025 holds for me. May it be the same for you.
Quote of the Week
“Learn from yesterday, live for today.”
Albert Einstein